Are You Creative

Quiz: Are You Creative?

First, some definitions

To answer the question, let’s first define what it means to be creative and creativity. For creative:

relating to or involving the imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work.


One of the best definitions I’ve come across for creativity is:

Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others.

– Robert E. Franken

Why is being creative important?

You may be asking yourself why is this even important. Well, let me answer with a list. Being creative:

  • is essential to problem-solving and innovation
  • opens the mind and broadens our perspectives
  • can save you from boredom
  • can make work fun
  • can help you feel more fulfilled
  • will challenge your mind
  • can help others and make positive changes in the world
  • can give you the ability to think outside the box
  • can change old patterns or habits of thinking
  • can make you more flexible and open to change
  • makes facing challenges easier
  • creates continuous, self-perpetuating improvement
  • is often entertaining or fun to ourselves and/or others
  • helps us overcome prejudices
  • gives you a voice and allows you to express yourself
  • reduces stress and anxiety
  • gives you a sense of purpose
  • can lead to feelings of accomplishment and pride
  • enables us to challenge perceptions
  • improves your mood
  • increases your knowledge

And those are only a few reasons.

10 ways to be creative

Sure, the above examples may appear all over the place and there are many more I could list here, but you get the sense that the potential to be creative is everywhere.

Take the quiz

Everyone is creative and to varying degrees. The capacity and ability are within all of us. If you are curious about your level of creativity, take my quiz:

Are You Creative

Are you creative?

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Honestly, though, we're ALL creative to some degree. This quiz might help identify to what degree you are inclined to be creative.

Please answer the initial non-personally identifiable questions. These will help with categorizing results. Thank you for participating.

tail spin

1 / 22

1. What is your gender?

2 / 22

2. What is your age group?

3 / 22

3. Do you enjoy solving problems?

4 / 22

4. Do you have a problem with authority?

5 / 22

5. Do you have a tendency to ask a lot of questions?

6 / 22

6. Do you find beauty in the ordinary?

7 / 22

7. Do you generally resist the pressure to conform?

8 / 22

8. Do you have a constant craving for learning new things?

9 / 22

9. Are you able to easily pivot when life throws you curveballs?

10 / 22

10. Do you seek inspiration?

11 / 22

11. Do you often experience emotional highs and lows?

12 / 22

12. Are you are a people watcher?

13 / 22

13. Do you understand the power of your surroundings and their impact on your ability to create?

14 / 22

14. Do you think most people have poor taste in things like music, home decor, style of dress, etc.?

15 / 22

15. Do you tend to keep track via some method of notetaking the ideas that pop into your head?

16 / 22

16. Do you tend to not let rejection sidetrack you from your endeavors?

17 / 22

17. Are you your own worst critic?

18 / 22

18. Do you feel passionate about your interests?

19 / 22

19. Are you easily offended by off-color jokes, a raunchy sense of humor, or people with no filter?

20 / 22

20. Do you tend to buy into the many stereotypes relating to gender, race or ethnicity, age, and the like?

21 / 22

21. Do you consider yourself a risk-taker with little fear of failure?

22 / 22

22. Are you a messy person?

Your score is

The average score is 71%

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