Creative Resilience

Creative Resilience: Thriving in a Toxic Political Climate

Let's explore some strategies for navigating today's political climate.

In an era characterized by intense polarization and rampant political hatred, maintaining a healthy mindset can be challenging. However, we do have a powerful tool in our arsenal that can help propel us through and beyond the negativity in this toxic political climate: creativity. Let’s explore strategies for creatively combating polarization and nurturing our mental well-being in the face of political divisiveness and hatred.

Political Climate

Table of Contents

1. Embrace Diverse Perspectives

I will start with the strategy that I struggle with most, especially in the tea party and MAGA era. I long for the days when both sides of the aisle worked together to achieve balanced solutions for the greater good; when Congress acted in good faith. That hasn’t been the case for a very long time. All branches of government are corrupted by bad actors and it’s hurting our country.

The strategy? Creativity thrives on the exchange of ideas. Instead of retreating into echo chambers, we should probably seek out conversations with people from diverse backgrounds and viewpoints. Engaging in respectful dialogues not only broadens our understanding but also fuels our creative thinking. Remember, the beauty of creativity lies in its ability to transcend boundaries.

It may be difficult to do, though, in an era where extremists fall for so much propaganda and become so entrenched in their grievance politics and hatred. More often than not, there’s no reasoning with them. The rest of us will simply have to do our best to counter the lies and hate and try to put some good out into the world with the hope that it can make even the smallest difference.

2. Practice Mindful Media Consumption

After years of utter political toxicity and disturbing ratings-chasing media coverage, and then the insurrection, I took at least one year off from watching the news. All of it had taken its toll and to preserve my mental health, I needed a break. I’ve only recently resumed, but sparingly. I was able to retreat from the news for a while because I had no fear that the current administration was going to burn the place down. Can’t say that about the prior.

In a world inundated with sensationalism and negativity, it’s crucial to be selective about the media we consume. Choose sources that provide balanced, well-researched information.

We also need to allocate specific times for media consumption. While it’s important to stay informed, excessive consumption of news and social media can be overwhelming and detrimental. Seeing the same vile individual in almost all of the news stories for eight years (so far) is not healthy. I look forward to the day when any discussion or sighting of him and his sycophants are completely in the rearview mirror. In the meantime, dedicate time each day to creating, whether it’s writing, painting, or any other form of creative expression. This practice not only helps in maintaining a balanced mindset but also contributes positively to our well-being.

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3. Channel Emotions into Creativity

The intensity of political hatred can evoke strong emotions. Rather than letting these emotions consume us, we need to channel them into creative outlets. Write, color, paint, draw, design, photograph, sing, dance, or engage in any form of self-expression that resonates. Engaging in creative practices can provide a sanctuary for mindfulness. These activities demand our focus and immerse us in the present moment. As we concentrate on creating, we’ll find a respite from the barrage of negativity, fostering mental well-being.

Even further, create visual representations of what a unified, empathetic society could look like. Whether it’s through paintings, digital designs, or sculptures, the act of envisioning positive change can transform negative energy into a creative force that not only empowers us but also contributes to a more constructive environment.

4. Engage in Constructive Activism

While political polarization often leads to clashes, constructive activism seeks common ground. Join or create initiatives that bridge divides, focusing on solutions rather than blame. Creative activism, such as art installations, street performances, or online campaigns, can challenge negativity by inspiring dialogue and change.

5. Prioritize Self-Care

Maintaining a healthy mindset in an environment of political hatred requires self-care. Dedicate time to activities that rejuvenate the spirit, whether it’s meditating, exercising, reading, or spending quality time with loved ones. Self-care replenishes our emotional reserves and equips us to face challenges with resilience.

6. Seek Humor and Levity

Laughter is a potent antidote to negativity. Embrace humor and satire as tools to address divisive issues while providing a moment of respite. Comedy often disarms tension and encourages dialogue, helping to bridge gaps in understanding.

7. Focus on Local and Tangible Impact

While national and international politics can be overwhelming, focusing on local initiatives allows us to make a tangible difference. Engaging in community projects or volunteering fosters a sense of purpose and positivity. Small-scale actions can create ripples of positivity that counter the broader negativity.

8. Focus on Community Engagement

Use our creative skills to strengthen our community ties and facilitate connections. Organize workshops, art exhibitions, or discussion circles that center around shared interests and values rather than divisive politics. Creating spaces where people can interact positively can be a powerful counterforce to the toxicity of political hatred.

9. Create a Safe Space for Expression

Whether through a journal, blog, or creative group, establish and participate in a safe space for expressing our thoughts and feelings. Encourage others to share as well, fostering an environment where individuals can connect, empathize, and find solace in shared experiences.

10. Practice Gratitude

Amid the political turmoil, cultivating gratitude can provide a fresh perspective. Regularly reflect on what we’re grateful for, whether it’s personal relationships, moments of joy, or opportunities for positive change. Gratitude shifts our focus from negativity to the blessings in our lives.

11. Set Boundaries

Creating boundaries is essential for maintaining a healthy mindset. Know when to disengage from discussions that drain our energy or escalate negativity. Prioritize our well-being and allocate time to activities that uplift us.

12. Seek Inspiration Beyond Politics

Amid political polarization, it’s vital to seek inspiration from diverse sources. Explore different art forms, cultures, and creative disciplines that may lie outside our comfort zone. This expansion of perspectives can infuse our mindset with fresh ideas and creativity, taking our focus away from the negativity.


Navigating polarization and political hatred requires a combination of resilience, empathy, and creativity. By infusing our mindset with the power of creativity, we not only shield ourselves from negativity but also contribute to the collective effort of fostering understanding, empathy, and positive change in society. Remember, amid the chaos, our creativity is a beacon of hope and an instrument of transformation.

Some Resources for Navigating Today’s Political Climate

Voter's Checklist
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