This collection features designs that honor colorful and vibrant minerals, gemstones, stones, birthstones, and precious metals.
These elegant designs will beautify your gear and home, and make great conversation pieces, yes, but there is more to it.
The companion video takes you on a journey and briefly describes each mineral, gemstone, birthstone, stone, and precious metal that inspired the collection. The end of the video gives you the dominant premise.
And what is that dominant premise?
The collection deliberately gives a nod to Kintsugi.
Kintsugi is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery by joining the broken pieces with a lacquer mixed with gold, silver, or platinum. Instead of hiding the cracks or breaks, Kintsugi highlights them and uses them as part of the design. The philosophy behind Kintsugi is to embrace the imperfections and damage as part of the object’s history, rather than hiding them or throwing the object away. Kintsugi is seen as a way to give a new life and new value to the object, rather than simply fixing it. It is also considered a form of mindfulness and a way to appreciate the beauty in imperfection.
Also available in a coil bound version through Lulu:
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